Kids and Teens Classes


A 40 minute class for kids aged 4 to 8 years. Movement is the name of the game! Minimal structure in a heavily play based format, this class is the perfect introduction to the sport.


A little more structure for the 8 to 12 year olds. Still fast paced, and play based with the introduction of positional play. A 40 minute class comprised of movement drills, positional sparring and skill games.


For 12 to 16 year olds, we introduce more technical elements and develop structure in the game, without forsaking the inherent fun of the grapple. Positional play, submission techniques and strategy all come together in the evolution of a disciplined, well rounded Trooper.

Squad Training

This class is about energy. We aim to sharpen technique and develop intensity as required in the competitive arena. This class is by invitation only.